Don’t forget to live.




During the hot days of summer, Elisabeth would visit the gardens outside the city, to hide from the hot midday sun in the shade of the trees.

… She was as beautiful as a flowering meadow flaunting its palette of colours and blooms. She learnt to predict the future when she was very young and she had a special talent for palm reading – her predictions always came true. Bendigo was a young man who wandered the world with just his guitar and he strayed into the gardens. He sat underneath a tree, rested and lazily plucked the guitar strings. The sad melody lured Elizabeth. She listened for a while, then she bent over without a word and took Bendigo’s hand in hers. Bendigo stopped playing in surprise, he looked up curiously and saw a charming girl: a lock of hair fell over her forehead and she had a focused look on her face. She touched his skin with her slim fingers, she examined every wrinkle and every line in his palm. Then she spoke, quietly and with certainty. A happy future awaited him. He would soon meet a charming girl and fall in love with her. Bendigo was so pleased with her prediction of is future that he took his guitar and made the sweet wood sing in a happy melody. “Carpe diem!” he cried. Elizabeth smiled and started to dance. The rays of sunlight glimmered through the branches of the trees, the air smelt of the colours of summer and the graceful curves of the beautiful fortune teller bewitched Bendigo – what if it was she, Elizabeth, who would be his love…?

Dance with them in the rhythm of unbound passion and don’t forget to live!



bergamot, grapefruit, ginger, cardamom


rose, violet, orange blossom, jasmine


musk, cedar, patchouli, amber, sandalwood

Kind of fragrance


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